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12/19/19 5:57 PM

#583863 RE: 955 #583851

Awesome post. Thx


12/19/19 6:04 PM

#583864 RE: 955 #583851

955 sticky please - Sweeney’s repetition on the coercive gov overreach and the NWS is truly compelling. I hope we get everything we deserve

Mr Michael

12/19/19 6:56 PM

#583870 RE: 955 #583851

That was amazing to read....
Thank you for your efforts in pulling that out..


12/19/19 7:26 PM

#583873 RE: 955 #583851



12/19/19 7:28 PM

#583874 RE: 955 #583851

Outstanding DD, 955!

Ace Trader

12/19/19 8:57 PM

#583895 RE: 955 #583851

THE GOVERNMENT wanted to Socialize the housing market then along can Obamacare! How are we going to find that? 2012 NWS !

The greedy Government wanted a cash cow ! Either party was and is ever going to release them! Only the courts will and who is going to enforce the law in the Government ?


12/19/19 10:02 PM

#583909 RE: 955 #583851

Thanks - Please Sticky !


12/19/19 10:22 PM

#583918 RE: 955 #583851

Just Waw, amazing work


12/19/19 10:43 PM

#583923 RE: 955 #583851

Congratulations from the WhaleBalls Institute of Higher Learning. You seem to have outdone yourself.

Release us

12/19/19 11:17 PM

#583926 RE: 955 #583851

955 Stickied... Good job!!


12/20/19 12:23 AM

#583934 RE: 955 #583851

I agree with everyone else. Well done!


12/20/19 1:20 AM

#583940 RE: 955 #583851

Amazing work, 955! Thanks for collecting all that into one post.


12/20/19 2:19 AM

#583942 RE: 955 #583851

Thanks guys for all the + feedback. Appreciated.

I was reading the transcript and started to notice a pattern and thought, what would it look like if all the attorney bla bla bla was filtered out? I was surprised, no shocked, at the result. The entire hearing, for the most part, was spent defending SH/F&F position.

May all our Christmas's be Merry and New Year prosperous.


12/20/19 3:42 AM

#583944 RE: 955 #583851

Thank you 955! Can I call you "9"?
That was the most comprehensive collection of Judge Sweeny's open court remarks that I've ever seen. And I totally agree with your summation as to 911 and subsequent diminution of our freedom. Congrats!


12/20/19 5:04 AM

#583946 RE: 955 #583851

Sticky please


12/23/19 2:06 AM

#584270 RE: 955 #583851

Thank you for doing that! Great post.


05/28/20 11:28 AM

#612155 RE: 955 #583851

955 I just re-read your wonderfu excerpts from Judge Sweeney's Court., way back in 2019. excellent summery and very revealing. should it only happen that her perceptions be part of her final decision.


01/04/21 8:45 AM

#657271 RE: 955 #583851

"Cancelling the Commons" is a rumor started by self interested preferred shareholders with little if any evidence offered to support this self serving rumor/hypothesis.

The government "had an opportunity" to "cancel the commons" and declare them bankrupt with no value, but there were good reasonss then, and now, that is simply highly unlikely because:

1. The company is not bankrupt, continues serving millions of homeownerss each year, with new ones added daily. Instead, FNMA is highly profitable, and so much so, our greedy government officials looked to confiscate our earnings for their socialization purposes, such as Obama care.

2. "Cancelling the commons" and bankrupting the company would mean our government would be taking on the debt of about half the homes in America, around 6 trillion dollars worth added to the federal deficit. The government does not want to assume the gse twins trillons of debt.

3. Even if the government didnt care whether or not we were bankrupt, and just decided to confiscate the money anyway, and was willing to add 6 trillion in debt to the federal deficit, "the courts" especially the US Supreme Court is a barrier for them to do that. Our constitution provides that its illegal for the government to "take" private property without just compensation.

Make no mistake "Cancelling the commons" means a "government taking" of private property and is against the constitution.

If our government is allowed to "take" fannie mae shareholder property, then they may also take "Apple shareholders, Tesla shareholders and every oth4er company's property, likewise.

There would be nothing stopping them from taking the rest of everything you own also.

It would mean completely converting the American democroacy to socialism or communism.