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12/20/19 8:32 AM

#20183 RE: PENNIEStoSTACKS #20154

Thank you kindly with - $CNNA

7.3 BILLION SHARES REDUCED and approved and accepted name change and cusip change - which means- no body with debt or paper shares can try to pass notes or claim shares via a paper cert. JASON BLACK CEO- clearly headed to lead the ship here and devote all his time to this one company in the cannabis space.

This CEO has done everything he said he would do - from share reduction to major deals in the cannabis space - with northern Cali Patrick king - and now in filings is a company Cannequipt - very intriguing as that’s clearly equipment for GROWOPs in Cali etc.

DWAC shares should all electronically transfer by today or Monday at all brokerages. Call them up to force their hands and make sure anyone short has a hard time today :)

Can’t wait to see more updates here. I’m just looking at all the twitter stuff now !!! Wow. Patrick king with cheech! And the MVP winner- $CNNA