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$ugar Glider

12/13/19 3:24 PM

#94533 RE: I-Glow #94530

You are well aware it can't be traded... its suspended until all transaction have completed.


12/13/19 3:27 PM

#94537 RE: I-Glow #94530

That’s too funny! Because according to E*trade I own Bioamber Inc Common Stock. Did you notice that little “a” in there now? Thanks for the A confirmation.


12/13/19 7:46 PM

#94560 RE: I-Glow #94530

Place ads on Craigslist, meet buyers-sellers in McDonalds parking lot. Transfer millions of shares from 1 car trunk to the other. Swap for a burger & fries.

What market can you trade the BioAmber stock?