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12/13/19 1:28 PM

#582282 RE: Forrest Gump Luck #582278

"Aligning your interests with [theirs] you are sure to win."

"The fix has been in since day one of the Trump admin. The goal has been a massive value capture for the [Ackman] Paulson Trump Mnuchin crony club. They do not care about right and wrong as much as doing what is good for themselves."

Haha you nailed it!


12/13/19 2:14 PM

#582315 RE: Forrest Gump Luck #582278

You may just be right about that, cheers and good luck to us!


12/13/19 2:17 PM

#582318 RE: Forrest Gump Luck #582278



12/13/19 3:31 PM

#582382 RE: Forrest Gump Luck #582278

I think you are 100% correct, but I got my hands slapped for saying as much. But I too, am aligned (Most specifically, with Ackman)


12/13/19 3:45 PM

#582389 RE: Forrest Gump Luck #582278

If yuo are doing the right thing why not make a few million bucks while doing it?


12/13/19 4:54 PM

#582436 RE: Forrest Gump Luck #582278

Agreed in part and disagree in part.

The government is not appealing that, the gov is not even really appealing the decision on the NWS. The gov wants to give the money back and release the GSE but they have to at least appear to be fiduciary to the Gov so they are seeking to lose in court and doing a good job about it. The fix has been in since day one of the Trump admin.

This part I wholeheartedly agree with.

The goal has been a massive value capture for the Ackaman Paulson Trump Mnuchin crony club. They do not care about right and wrong as much as doing what is good for themselves. Aligning your interests with there's you are sure to win.

Why do anti-Trumpers always seek to twist EVERYTHING he says and does into bad and hate even when it benefits them and works to their advantage and the betterment of America? THEY (Ackman et al) do care about right vs wrong and have aligned their investments with RIGHT. What's so wrong with that? I did the same when I invested here. I invest in rule-of-law prevailing with Fannie & Freddie. They are 20% of the economy BTW. I invest in freedom and liberty for the GSE's, the American People and the American way of life. The GSE's are one of the best ways one can reinvest back into their communities and support housing for ALL people, irregardless of race, color or creed. Judge Sweeney said as much in the following quote:

THE COURT: -- this country has been built on
24 people with moxie and grit who speculate and they have
25 foresight and they can find a way to legitimately find a


1 place in the market where they can take an advantage, as
2 you will, and be highly successful. And godspeed to all
3 those people. So I wasn’t --

I invest in our military might, our police force and our courts to maintain these freedoms and protections. I invest in these very United States of America that your and my fore-fathers fought and died for. NOTHING wrong with that. It's called PATRIOTISM. CAPITALISM is NOT a dirty word when kept purified of evil. It's what made America THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH. God blesses a nation (economically and otherwise) that fights for and maintains FREEDOM and LIBERTY for it's citizens and respects human life. It's why the American Economy flourishes time and time again, is the envy of the world and why EVERYONE wants to come here. It's why investors around the world invest here. Investors want ROI which only comes with security and protection. Get with the program.

The government is not appealing that, the gov is not even really appealing the decision on the NWS. The gov wants to give the money back and release the GSE but they have to at least appear to be fiduciary to the Gov so they are seeking to lose in court and doing a good job about it. The fix has been in since day one of the Trump admin. The goal has been a massive value capture for the Ackaman Paulson Trump Mnuchin crony club. They do not care about right and wrong as much as doing what is good for themselves. Aligning your interests with there's you are sure to win.