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12/11/19 2:07 PM

#581737 RE: kip128932156 #581733

What is going to happen January 10, 2020 ?


12/11/19 2:10 PM

#581738 RE: kip128932156 #581733

What is a conference ?


12/11/19 2:23 PM

#581744 RE: kip128932156 #581733

"B, D, F, and H in Fairholme’s complaint all survived." This is HUGE! Direct claims still under consideration in Lamberth's Court.

Jon Arbuckle
? @pokernermal
Dec 7

For those wondering about Judge Sweeney dismissing direct claims but rejecting to dismiss derivative, means B, D, F, and H in Fairholme’s complaint all survived. This will be settled by cancelling the Senior prefs (+returning overpmts). $FNMA $FMCC @CGasparino @ACGAnalytics ????

Lottery ticket payout IS the only proper response for "A STICK-UP". It's called JUSTICE, or have we all eliminated that term from our vocabulary. Time to get the show on the road. Time to get reacquainted with the founding principles of OUR democracy. Kick the opposition BUMS out of there, by force if necessary. Power in numbers. Enough with the excuses already.

Quote:Agreed he is moving pretty fast if you see the progress he’s made in 8 months. Anyone saying otherwise isn’t knowledgeable or realistic with what he is doing only concerned with lottery ticket payout not a responsible release.