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12/11/19 7:41 PM

#15148 RE: conix #15147

good answers...............

I agree that lack or actually, absence of any news and reports would make one believe the patient is on life-support or, quite possibly, may already be dead.

One has to ask why the Chairman of the Board has not sought, at these prices (most probably inflated by the occasional bursts upward intended to sucker in day traders or naive investors) to take the company private and use it for a very large tax loss.

I have doubts that there is much tax selling anymore unless there are still old-time investors who bought the stock when it was valued several hundred times more than it is now (Again, consider the range this past year or two and it is doubtful anyone might have accumulated enough shares to have much of a loss at today's prices)

The apparent death or total hibernation of the dissident group that sought to save or resurrect the company has not helped and one would have to be scanning the obituaries to determine whether the present CEO is still alive or, in fact, has also passed away.

What is their source of income? Who, if anyone has purchased any new devices (from the rusting inventory?)? Despite pumping, now on rare occasions, from powderbum, do we even know that anyone is using the devices beyond the few centers still in operation? Who is prodding the few researchers to even consider the device for testing and serious clinical studies?