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Penny Stocks 2.0

12/11/19 9:21 AM

#1398 RE: jwblue74 #1397

Currently Entrex has 6 market Exchanges covered...Carbon, Oil, Gold, Florida New York and Equestrian each with their own value, no less than $174,000,000 up to $360,000,000...

ICE buys Climate Exchange. LONDON (Reuters) - Futures exchange group Intercontinental Exchange Inc said it agreed to buy Climate Exchange for 395 million pounds ($606.7 million) to create a single trading platform for environmental contracts worldwide. ... ICE Chairman and CEO Jeffrey C.

$UNSS is going to be on watch by all the top markets in the world and the buyout potential is real....$210,000,000 in combined Licensing Agreements or a $928,000,000 Buy Out Option!


12/11/19 10:02 AM

#1403 RE: jwblue74 #1397

got it, thanks hot stocks