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12/04/19 6:13 PM

#277501 RE: williamssc #277496

Today's headline was "Coverage Indicates 3X Greater Revenue Potential for Brilacidin Oral Rinse".

That seemed to refer to this, from the text:
"Most glaring was the analyst’s model projecting a course of treatment for Galera’s GC4419 at $15,400 (net). The price point is viewed as in-line with other supportive care treatments.
We conservatively modeled our Brilacidin Oral Rinse pricing at $5,000 for a course of treatment, leaving plenty of room for upward adjustment while providing the opportunity for a decisive pricing advantage."

I can point to the analysts support for that $15,400 cost number for Galera:
"We assume a course of therapy consists of 35 doses, administered over seven weeks, at a gross price of $550/dose, or $15,400 per course of therapy, net of applicable discounts and rebates (we assume 20%)."
So one IV infusion a day for 5 days a week at $550/infusion.

What I'm having trouble determining are the details of the Brilacidin Oral Rinse pricing for a full course at $5,000. Do you know where I can find them?
In the Phase 2 study:
"Patients will use an oral rinse 3 times daily for up to seven weeks during chemoradiation for head and neck cancer."
Is that the same rate of dosing that is reflected in the $5,000 course? 3/day for 7 5 day weeks is about $48/dose.
I couldn't find that anywhere, including here:

Does the "3X Greater Revenue Potential for Brilacidin Oral Rinse" come from an assumption that there is room for a tripling of the previously unknown price per dose of B-OM.

I need it dumbed down for me. Care to give it a try?


12/05/19 10:23 AM

#277528 RE: williamssc #277496

That is certainly true. I do hope that an additional trial gets funded somehow. I think B has at least as good a chance as Soligenix' product.