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12/03/19 5:31 PM

#1239 RE: alstocks #1238


I can't help but think another factor could be selling CRGE to buy another Lazar shell.

Of course, that goes back to what you said — patience.

Rare in the otcm. I am a work in progress.


12/03/19 5:58 PM

#1240 RE: alstocks #1238

Crge will see high trips again really think this is dropping that far? I get a lot from your posts, and value your opinion. I thought your response to creede was spot-on, but then you dropped that little bomb at the end lol. I ask if you really think it's going to trips because I've been averaging down as the stock has fallen. I'm exceedingly patient, and wouldn't sell an RM until it's all done and the full payday has come in. I missed the mini-plunge today and was kicking myself (I've been planning on really loading up if the stock hit .003). But trips is a whole lot lower than that. I'd keep more powder dry for that, but I honestly have a hard time imagining it going that low. You really expect it to happen? Thanks in advance....

Talc Moan

12/03/19 6:49 PM

#1241 RE: alstocks #1238

PFMS Lazar stock has a float of 550 Million at .0034

CRGE Lazar Stock has a float of 104 Million at .0038

The only difference is PFMS Attorney Letter was filed today. CRGE Attorney letter prob this week or next.

Both stocks are at the same exact Juncture.

Can you say stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid!


12/04/19 7:45 AM

#1250 RE: alstocks #1238

No doubt, all it takes is a little movement by Lazar or one of shells to sell.