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12/01/19 6:43 PM

#484 RE: researcher59 #481

Researcher, Here is the data I have on that only collected the 2000 Index during the same time frame of every contest.

Contest # R 2000 Return Average Return Differential
1 4.43% -5.02% -9.45%
2 -2.10% -13.23% -11.13%
3 8.10% 16.72% 8.62%
4 19.13% -6.23% -25.36%
5 2.42% -1.66% -4.08%
6 9.86% 12.73% 2.87%
7 -0.24% 0.36% 0.60%
8 -4.58% -14.26% -9.68%
9 15.29% 10.72% -4.57%
10 3.27% -9.69% -12.96%

Average Return 5.56% -0.96% -6.51%

As you can see this wasn't the worst performance of all the contests, in terms of under performance as the 4th contest was an unmitigated disaster in terms of relative under performance. Truth be told we have under performed overall against the index a lot more. In fact 6.51% more to be exact, we have under performed 7 time out of 10, and 5 of them the under perfomance was almost 10% or more. So as a group we haven't done well, so far against the index, so can't say this contest was an anomaly, more the norm. Anyways hope this helps. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.