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11/29/19 3:44 AM

#333598 RE: nordicroots #333597

When this share price really starts to rise look out above !

This will be a Avalanche in reverse and no stopping it , the shorts will not get to cover cheap , they will get incinerated and make Millionaires out of a few dozen stockholders


11/29/19 8:45 AM

#333599 RE: nordicroots #333597

When talking about hundredths of a penny, where erhe has traded for the last 4 years, the value (near zero) placed on the company by investors speaks for itself. Debating who participates in the tiny moves within that 4 year range has little value. The real point is that no one has wanted to pay more than 10/100 of a penny for this stock for 4 years and the shares have never been riskier than they are today as erhc has violated SEC regulations resulting in banishment to the grey market and the SEC's current pursuit of revoking erhc's public shares altogether.

Yes, there have been big percentage moves between $.0001 and $.0010, but the issue on this board, imo, is the debate between those who point out the facts about erhc and its stock price and those who promote ideas like $8/share, $100 million cash plus carry deals, 1 cent dividends and 1.5 billion share short positions in secret non-U.S. trading accounts, all without even the tiniest shred of proof such claims are true.