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11/26/19 6:17 PM

#335915 RE: the third leg #335913

Perfectly stated and enjoy your trip.


11/26/19 7:29 PM

#335916 RE: the third leg #335913

Cheers Third Leg !!! Well said and best wishes to you and all for what is shaping up to be a spectacular 2020 !


11/26/19 9:20 PM

#335917 RE: the third leg #335913

Amen Brother, Amen!


12/01/19 5:20 PM

#335959 RE: the third leg #335913

the third leg..

"Rig you are the best I have ever seen on the Hub for being consistent with helping others, staying polite, doing real hard working dd, being honest, keeping a good happy board going with good kind investors here, you are not all over all the other boards yelling through anger in caps, bolding, and all the other daily things that occur which is ridiculous and ignored by me when I'm on here.

I know for a fact that I'm not alone on saying we all wish the entire site could be more like your board. Thank you Rig

To the board, so many good kind folks here trying to stay classy and trying to treat others with respect, thank you for that and making the effort to follow Rigs rules. "

Thank you...

Doing things the right way may take longer but gives me much more reward as the DD plays out and the stock reacts ^ for all. I guess to simplify it, short cuts aren't for me. I built my contracting business on the same premise and never once advertised.

I was scammed by many early on, took the lumps and managed to preserve enough capital to stay in the game and parlay it many fold.

I appreciate a post like yours since not many take the time to cover all those points you made. People treating others with respect is an important thing for me, not just on here but in every aspect of life.

I don't do well with ego maniacs or jealous people who tend to be rude and disrespectful.

Thank you again


the third leg

01/15/20 3:38 PM

#337228 RE: the third leg #335913

Thankyou all that replied to this post, it was very kind of you. May we all do very well in 2020 and on, your amigo, 3rd leg