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11/23/19 10:24 PM

#61711 RE: chilling #61709

Sleek has an interesting take on it, if you know where to find his board, but basically the idea is Mitch is going behind the scenes to get it done dec2020.
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11/24/19 9:12 AM

#61718 RE: chilling #61709

FDA is an easy target, but it's not their fault. The current on the books DSHEA Law (1994), which governs dietary supplements (which ingested CBD products would be), defines a dietary supplement as NOT containing an IND approved substance. Says nothing about dose. So as soon as GW Pharma's Epidiolex got its' IND approved, the CBD cannot legally go into a dietary supplement per DSHEA. FDA doesn't make law, so DSHEA has to be modified. I just saw a CNN piece with Michael Smerconish and Florida's Matt Gaetz (who is a Republican in favor of the new MJ decriminalizing/removing from Schedule 1 at a federal level). It has passed committee but he is worried that too many of his colleagues will not pass it, due to generational issues (every though 2/3 of citizens are in favor of it, the boomers in congress are not. I'm a boomer and in favor). Gaetz, known as a "Trump whisperer" was not sure he could get the anti-drug Trump to come around. What I don't understand about our President (and I agree with virtually nothing about him) is why he doesn't see this simply as a business opportunity. He is all about the economy and money, and I don't get why he doesn't get that.

Anyway, IMO, an interim change to DSHEA will be necessary, by Congress, to allow free use of CBD in supplements. We'll see if this dysfunction congress, on both sides, can get their act together.

All the best.

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11/24/19 1:09 PM

#61730 RE: chilling #61709

Thats probably more correct then you think. The FDA is waiting for the pharma companies to come up with proof that CBD is beneficial to anyone for anything. FDA sanctioned clinical trials take years and millions of dollars. The FDA is currently going through the same with the stem cell business.
The Mj/CBD businesses are going through a major downward adjustment right now with even the Epidiolex drug manufacturer GW Pharma losing money also.