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11/22/19 5:45 PM

#404959 RE: ONEBGG #404955

"I have said so many times I can scream, but The US needs to kick that mucking UN right out of America and WE need to stop all relations with them."

Yep and I sent that article to our President via e-mail.

Another point is if White's did not bring the Black Africans here they would still be slaves in Africa ! But here they are free !!!

Number one, the UN has no say over the US, any and all UN bullchitt needs to be kicked and kept to the curb. The UN has always been anti-US Constitution entity. They are an enmey of all that is the US, our freedom is their enemy. Anything Obama did with or few the UN is not in the best interest of The US and needs to be axed.

There is so much wrong with this reparations for blacks I would need a day to go through it all. So, in the name of brevity I will mention a few and move on.

OK, bring on the hate, but here are just a few reasons why I am so against this total bullchitt of reparations for blacks.

Not all blacks were slaves.

Not all states had slavery.

There was black on black slavery.

Over 1/2 a million died for the freedom of slaves,
that is a reparation!

Slavery is still alive world wide, but not in the US!
Your point on welfare is spot on.

BTW, any black that is against slavery and claims to be a Muslim better do some big thinking on issue. Even through the Qu'ran is against slavery, it has always been a part of slavery and still is.

Yes, that asshole Obama really did know what he was doing, he accomplished a lot during his 8-years in office. As I have stated many times over, will still be discovering his chitt for many-many yet to come. Truly, most of Obama's actions, deals, policies and laws needs t be removed from our Republic. Obama and he and many of his minions should be in prison, and mu

I have said so many times I can scream, but The US needs to kick that mucking UN right out of America and WE need to stop all relations with them.

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11/22/19 7:25 PM

#404964 RE: ONEBGG #404955

"reparations for blacks ". If any are to be paid out, It should be paid by the "Democrats Only" and since over 600,000 Republicans died freeing the blacks, We should get "reparations" also