One can sit money in a Bank and earn near zero or in some cases pay the bank a fee to hold the money, or one can analyze and perform DD on actual platforms that may have potential for tremendous upside. In the end a tireless approach in fact finding combined with a long enough timeline will begin to show the reality. For a penny or less (now) this seems like the risk/reward may be worth some patience (based on what is known regarding their tech)... My experience (which means nothing) suggests that with real installations, receipts and potential from other platforms in testing stages, along with strong demand and need at existential level, this may have some legs. Lastly, if they don't or cannot fill this absolute need, someone eventually will.
If I'm a CEO looking into this crystal ball, my sleeves are rolled up and I am working 24/7 to build this as efficiently and quickly as possible..IMHO
Have a great weekend