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11/20/19 10:42 PM

#4869 RE: Monksdream #4868

I do believe the principal has stated that accr was always for sale.
It's in some PR's from the very first days of posting here.

The thing is he's delusional if he thinks this is somehow beneficial for original accr shareholders, whomever bought this stuff since it woke up. The first thing to go almost 100% of the time is the original shareholders with a name change and reissue of new shares.

I've never seen original common penny shareholders survive this play and maybe to one that might have been in memory, the carryover was a token ploy that was altered within a week. Years ago.

If the principal does this, it's only for personal reasons, because no one carries shareholders in penny stocks. That only happens with real companies on real exchanges with real products and income statements that are verifiable.


11/20/19 11:14 PM

#4873 RE: Monksdream #4868

So the shell is for sale. Maybe I'll buy it.


11/21/19 7:44 AM

#4883 RE: Monksdream #4868

It is just a shell flip by a disgraced stock broker.