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11/20/19 1:28 PM

#20841 RE: TronCarter #20840

This is all false!

Many of us have seen products and told is was commercially ready. Even the haters can attest to that.

The SoundFi statement is true, based on reports and revenue.

Albert Carlson and his ideas are what made and will make this company, saying otherwise is pure foolishness.
The company is essentially nothing without him. Have you even ever heard him talk?

Ron Koby didn't have support? He's a frickin salesman, if he couldn't close a deal that's his problem. He's had plenty of time to do something.

Same with Milton Mattox, he's been around for over a year. What has he done? And don't tell me he wasn't supported either, he's a grown man and can make his own decisions. He just chose to collect his paycheck and not bring value to the company.

Tom Wilkinson wanted nothing to do with CLOK except to line his pockets until Sonim finished up his contracts. That was in the works before he even started at CLOK.


11/20/19 1:30 PM

#20842 RE: TronCarter #20840

Your quote:
“Albert Carlson and his son need to go. They do not add any value to CLOK. ”

Without Dr. Carlson there is no CLOCK that is fact....

It was Dr. Carlson that came up with the ideas and made them reality and if he goes you might as well close the doors!!!

Just having the patents that Dr Carlson created is not enough you have to understand them completely to execute them.