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11/20/19 11:26 AM

#115179 RE: crazy horse 0 #115172

Amazon has "confidence" in anyone that can deliver its packages. Hundreds of startups are now Amazon Delivery Service Partner (DSP) participants!

Amazon a World Class Premiere Company picks Web To Door as a DSP, Delivery Service Partner ! That shows Amazon CEO has full competence in Web To Door CEO Rod Santulan amd ONCI ON COURIER 365 President David Khateeb!

Remember Amazon's appeal to its own employees to quit and become DSP's?

Amazon will pay employees $10,000 to quit and start their own package-delivery companies

MONDAY, MAY 13 2019 2:52 PM EDT--Jordan Novet

Amazon said Monday that it would contribute as much as $10,000 if employees want to leave the company and form new U.S. start-ups centered on delivering packages. Amazon said it would also pay these people the equivalent of three months of their most recent gross salaries when they were working for the company.

The program also lines up with Amazon’s efforts to open up new delivery options. Last year it established the Delivery Service Partners initiative -- which sought to have independent business owners put the Amazon Prime logo on delivery vans.

“Since the launch of the Delivery Service Partner program in June 2018, Amazon has enabled the creation of more than 200 new small businesses that have hired thousands of local drivers to deliver packages to Amazon customers,” Amazon said in Monday’s statement. “This year, the company plans to add hundreds more new businesses, starting with employees-turned-business-owners.

FYI, Amazon DID NOT PICK Lil Rod and his SCRUM OF SCAMMERS to be a DSP participant! SPRV filled out an application and Amazon signed it. SPRV is one among hundreds! BEING AN AMAZON DSP IS NO BIG DEAL!

BTW, still waiting for the requested list of advantages and benefits that are supposedly accruing to SPRV as a function of signing up to be a Amazon DSP. There are advantages for the startup companies, but few, if any advantages for a existing delivery company like SPRV.

Without any sort of validation, listing the advantages and benefits for SPRV to be a Amazon DSP, one could rightly assume none exist for Lil Rod and SPRV! Of course the silence clearly verifies the FACT, SPRV being a DSP is far less than any sort of special deal!