Ms Howard is just a talking head. She has over 3 failed businesses on GB paid for and lost over 1/2 a million on.
Then she talked GB into buying one of the researchers husbands medical devices from Hawaii. To keep them on as part of the research team.
Now, they have moved to Canada to open up another llc for research since GB cant cash anything they say. Hoping that the researchers in Canada can help them. It is really comical to watch and research how this company selects there people and under darkness they leave.
Look at kevin and ksenia. Kevin had all the experience he left. They then asked there cfo ksenia to run a company that she knows nothing about. Once, they go to throw her under the bus to investors she leaves. Then a new GM that knows the industry was supposed to come onboard after he looked at the company never shows up to his first day.
Then look at there HR person. Went to college and gb paid for it for an hr degree and makes six figures. Even though up until 3 years ago. She was only a sales person at a clothing store.
The hope was for the new GM to come in and clean house. But, that is not happening, so it is back to Poss hiring his friends and family milking the company dry.
If they got rid of him i think you would see the stock pop about .10 if not more. Imagine all the investors that helped pay for LSU and that building for him to sell it for just about what he received to build it.
The moon shot that john always talks about is when the dirty old man leaves the company and they get rid of his friends and family.