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Head Clown

11/08/19 1:35 AM

#296212 RE: Head Clown #296211

Myflix differs from Netflix and Amazon (and the myriad of smaller streaming sites) in several key ways:

1). Broad Selection of Independent Films – Myflix aspires to be one of the primary portals for all entertainment programming… but most notably (and initially) to focus on the larger universe of independently produced feature films and television programs;

2). Pioneer in Video Games – Myflix suppliers include several producers of single-player video games, as well as titles offering multi-player interactivity options. Access to stream video games is billed to the user on an hourly basis which prospectively could generate significant revenues from some of the more addictive video game escapes.

3). Pioneer in Educational Programming – Myflix suppliers include several large libraries of educational films and videos, covering a wide range of topics and study levels. The Amazon operational platform that forms the infrastructure for Myflix includes interactivity, which can be accessed for “test” scoring after viewing an educational film… with the results of such tests being used to accumulate viewing-credits for students to see premium movies or access the Video Games function… an option that Myflix believes could be popular with parents.

4). Producer-Friendly Reporting & Payment Structure – Unlike Netflix (which provides producers with NO STATISTICS on titles performance…as well as stretching out the payment of license fees over a two-year period), the Myflix reporting and payments model for producers is transparent and monthly. The on-boarding information provided to Amazon for each title also includes information as to the payment beneficiary… and Amazon will render ACH payments each month to each of the Myflix program suppliers (monthly payments to occur on or about the last day of each month, reflecting the transactions during the prior full month, e.g., ACH payment on Feb. 28 reflects all transactions that occurred during the month of January).

5). Affordable / Competitive On-Boarding Fees – Myflix suppliers can get each title on-boarded and activated for as little as $100 if their masters and meta data are properly formatted. If a program requires master reformatting, closed-captioning, key art or other formatting, the Myflix producer agreements include these services on an exhibit with a pre-approved pricing list, including mark-ups for Myflix services in handling, formatting and uploading of each titles. Other streaming sites also charge on-boarding fees, but at much higher rates, which can be burdensome to indie suppliers. The Myflix on-boarding rates are reasonable to the producers, yet still profitable for the venture.