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11/06/19 8:30 PM

#177097 RE: golferman #177091

<< As per the last press release

The silkworms began spinning cocoons on October 27th and finished on November 2nd.

The Company is already in the process of removing the finished cocoons from the mounting frames, which will be complete by November 6th. Upon completion, the cocoons will be prepared for the silk moths to emerge. As reported, late last month, the entire population of emerging silk moths will be dedicated to breeding stock, in order to rapidly expand the Company silk production capacity at Prodigy Textiles.

4 weeks from November 6..... takes us to December 4 ( first week in December) >>

"removing the finished cocoons from the mounting frames ... will be complete by November 6th". That is today.

"Upon completion, the cocoons will be prepared for the silk moths to emerge." During this time, the worms will metamorphose into moths. It will take about 10-14 days for that process to complete.

After all of the moths have emerged from their cocoons, they will then need to mate and then eggs will need to be laid. That process will take about 1-2 weeks.

So the 1st batch won't be complete for about another 2-4 weeks from today. That will be at the end of November / early December.

Then it will be at least another 4 weeks for the 2nd batch to complete and finish cocooning. Which takes us to the end of December / early January.

Then they will have to process the cocoons and create fiber from the cocoons.

And all of this assumes that everything goes hunky-dory and that there are no hiccups along the way. Things seldom go as planned (especially for KBLB).