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11/06/19 9:25 AM

#2226 RE: Paraceratherium #2225

Been hearing that for 13 years now


11/06/19 4:03 PM

#2227 RE: Paraceratherium #2225

We have 5 zeros after the decimal point now. Any more good news and we'll be counting them on our toes.


11/07/19 5:20 AM

#2228 RE: Paraceratherium #2225

Is it a quick right turn kinda corner or is it I'll be coming around the mountain in 6yrs kinda corner


11/13/19 5:21 AM

#2234 RE: Paraceratherium #2225

was that the news around the corner (delisting) -this ain't lookin good.Didnt think it could look worse than it has been lately but looky here i'm wrong again- Great