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12/01/06 1:12 PM

#16227 RE: Viking65 #16226 really should re-think this statement.

"I read a post referring to the power of the message boards. Are you serious? How many people do you actually think read this message board? Maybe 100 at most, and I doubt even that."

Thousands upon thousands of people invest in OTC.BB stocks and pinksheet stocks. Maybe you can explain where these people come from and where they get their information?! You won't find them mentioned in the WSJ. None are listed in the business section of my local newspaper. Heck, most stock brokers don't know much about regular stocks let alone OTC.BB & pinksheet stocks.

There isn't many places you can get information about these stocks and the number 1 place is stock chat boards. Or I guess you could just punch in 4 letters on your streaming quotes and see what pops up. If the letters match up with a stock, you could start your DD from there. If you've got a better way to find out about these stocks, please share. But don't be so naive as to think these message boards don't play a MAJOR role!
They are the driving force!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too.

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12/01/06 4:59 PM

#16255 RE: Viking65 #16226

Hey Vike

"ASD cost us 7 month's, I think."

No, CDEX cost CDEX 7 months by infringing on ASD's patent. ASD was only protecting their interest.