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Dragon Lady

11/11/19 8:06 PM

#59923 RE: Prodigy #59760

Intel Chemicals. It's as real as it gets- another piece of real estate Gifa Inc now owns and a factory they now operate in a extremely lucrative pharma/raw chemical marketing channel for their region of the world.

One of the most intriguing OTC plays I've personally ever, ever seen. Look at something just like this Intel Chemicals new business unit alone.

Capturing even a small fraction of the Sildenafil Citrate market in their part of the world - it can easily be a $10 million to $20 million or more annual top-line revenue run rate with just a baby burp.

"Generic Viagra" is a multi $BILLION dollar mega market- and it's growing at an enormous rate in all the areas where GIFA Inc has "reach".

Just an amazing purchase they made on that one business unit alone. Intel Chem as a stand alone could drive this stock to 50 cents to $1 buck a share, just on what that division alone can bring in top-line revenues. It's mind blowing.

They're going to manufacture and sell and distribute "generic Viagra", an incredible mega-market in their part of the world, Sidenafil Citrate, on an island full of wealthy Russian businessman tourists and UK tourists and ex-pat males escaping their own frozen or wet and dreary winters to beautiful sunny beaches and Mediterranean weather, hitting the casinos and beaches and hunting for women.

Those same customers who buy Sidenafil Citrate Viagra from Gifa on Cyprus, will go back home and will order "Generic Viagra" by mail from Intel Chemicals, aka GIFX.

Generic Viagra is a multi $billion dollar market worldwide. Gifa can capture even 1% of the market "in their backyard" and it would be sales in the $10's of millions annually. They will be selling to Cyprus itself and all their tourists there, to Turkey, Russia and we know they have a big footprint in N. Africa too and also the Middle East. What a market to go after- they can own that area one day for generic Viagra, that alone is a $buck a share company.

A fantastic acquisition by them, and they are ramping it and hiring right now:

And now another piece of industrial real estate Gifa owns with a factory building parked on top of it. Hard assets and they own um.

What OTC play even has an actual building (let alone several, including a newly built $12 million euro spectacular world headquarters, 4 stories and all) and is not a mail-drop or 3 or 4 people in a dumpy strip mall rent-a-suit or working literally from a residential house? How many OTC plays actually have employees on a payroll, and lots of them at that?

Gifx is the polar opposite of 90% plus of the garbage on the OTC and they've never pumped or promoted a thing. In fact, we have to work at it to find the due diligence as they will pump and promote nothing, as instructed by their SEC attorney William Aul. How many OTC play "scams" won't self promote and hype their company round the clock via every means known to mankind? None that I'm aware of.

GIFX is going to SEC file and they know it and thus are on total lock down silence. One can even call them, and if a question sounds like fishing for information the first reply is, "Are you a shareholder?" and the call ends right there - we have the proof.

Dragon Lady

11/11/19 8:17 PM

#59924 RE: Prodigy #59760

$GIFX tourism business unit is impressive and expanding !

I think GIFX is probably thee single most watched stock on the entire OTC market- and has been for 1 plus years now. The intrigue factor of this mega reverse merger is off the charts.

Gia Tourism business unit, what a find !

And they are making it over to an all new site and hiring and expanding it. It's impressive, and yes, they work from the Gifa Airways building, which is more real estate they own, right nextdoor to the Yeni Bakis building which they also own. Amazing for any OTC play.

Look at all the services they are offering on a island that thrives on tourism, wealthy Russians and UK folks mostly, who come for the casinos and Mediterranean climate during their own brutal cold winters and the pristine beaches, scuba and water sports of Cyprus.

$GIFX will dovetail this tourism division with their Casino they now have in the planning and permit stage, a mega business on the N. Island, just huge.

This gets better all the time. All happening, all per a grand plan:

(Yeni Bakis is directly to the left - they own both buildings)

Imagine, they have a full-color in print old style "newspaper" that is daily, 7 days a week delivered around the island. They can advertise and promote their own tourist division and also place adds for generic Viagra made by their Intel Chem division and also place ads for Grandex Finance their on-island direct lending business. This, this is good business, well planned out.

When their casino is built, it will be promoted in Yeni Bakis and booked through their own tourism division, they will own the N. island tourism segment is their plan, and it's a darn good plan. Vertical and horizontal integration of all business units. Like the big boys do it.

A 40 to 50 page DAILY in-print full color newspaper, who can still do that these days? It's expensive and a big operation to run a paper that size in-print, a daily, not a weekly.

And they are now running a full blown WebTV channel all over the N. Island for Yeni Bakis "News", another mega achievement that takes tremendous work and financial resources to be able to pull off.

$GIFX is going to dominate the N. island of Cyprus is their plan IMO.