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11/04/19 10:54 AM

#176829 RE: cashin2019dd #176822

<< I dont understand how this stock didnt gap up and how there isnt more buying pressure? Please correct me of im wrong but this is confirmation of everything we have been waiting for? They are in production everything is working as planned and they are set to make their fist delivery within 30 days. What more confirmation do people need...this is what i thought we were waiting for? This isnt enough for .30 cents a share? This is a ground breaking entry point in a possible billion dollar company in the next 5 to 10 years. How is this not worth a buck or 2 i dont understand. >>

First, KBLB is still just providing forward-looking statements. And that has been happening now for over 10 years. Many years ago, KBLB claimed that they were ready for mass production (the infamous "sale & scale" statement).

Second, there is still the upcoming reverse split, and people are using these opportunities to dump their shares.

In order for the share price to move appreciably, there will have to be a contract announcement with $ attached. That won't be coming until next year at the earliest.
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11/04/19 10:56 AM

#176830 RE: cashin2019dd #176822

Cashin,my idea about your question on why we don't gap further in SP based on today's PR is; the longs here have waited 10 long years and are still optimistic. But, the market wants to see some revenue before they wade out to deeper water. Right now with all they have to go on, ankle deep is all they are willing to do.
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11/04/19 11:10 AM

#176835 RE: cashin2019dd #176822

"They are in production everything is working as planned and they are set to make their fist delivery within 30 days. What more confirmation do people need...this is what i thought we were waiting for? This isnt enough for .30 cents a share?

on oct 8, kim announced: "With capacity scale up now officially underway in Vietnam"..

last week they basically repeated that with some numbers attached..

the 2 previous pr's confirmed that production was occurring...I don't know that confirmations of the confirmations are going to help the pps much...

if you make product, and after all the years of stating that customers were banging down your doors wanting product, I think it safe to assume someone will buy it..

so saying today that you will make deliveries to a "collaborator" isn't really saying much...its true that for kim that is a ton, but for large investors, telling them that the product you are making is going to go to "someone", is a joke..

they get that kblb is finally in production...they have heard that 3 times now..they get that there will be product...that is the natural end result of producing...but WHO is that product going to?..they have no time for silly games...they are interested...but until kim starts acting like a real ceo who knows what he is doing and stops playing childish games, they wont step up..

I believe the product is going to polartec...but kim wants to pretend it could be someone else and let his boys play it

also, big money isn't likely to step in and buy with a 1/40 r/s pending...too risky...they wont do it...

the thing is, otherwise, the news is pretty was the previous pr's..which bodes well for the future...

without the r/s news back in july, id say we'd be over a buck right now...and big money WOULD be buying...right now..

but here we sit...wasting good news, trying to hang onto 20 cents a share waiting for an unnecessary r/s that will drop the pps down even further...and with dilution even further...and when the pps is in the dollars and can be easily shorted and is dropping...what do you suppose shorters will do?...they will do what they do..

and ill be right there doing it is dealing the just playing the hand he dealt..

what a genius....lmao

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11/04/19 11:54 AM

#176850 RE: cashin2019dd #176822

"I don't understand how this stock didn't gap up and how there isn't more buying pressure?"

Given the previous PR's, this was expected news. Investors don't get terribly excited about developments they know are going to happen.

Note that we will NOT be delivering within 30 days. Right now the breeder silkworms have cocooned. They have to hatch, mate, the female lays eggs. Only at that point will the first production round begin: The production eggs will hatch, grow and eat, and cocoon. Then we reel the cocoons. That point (mid-to-late December) will be the point where shipment occurs.

As I've indicated many times, production news by itself will not have a strong positive impact on share price. Investors expected today's news. We got a little more precision on the timeline, but people who understand the silkworm lifecycle were able to anticipate today's news.

As always, Thompson left us with unanswered questions. What percentage of silkworms failed to cocoon? How many breeding pairs does he anticipate having? Once again, the cards are played close to Thompson's vest.