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Ike Latif

07/30/01 6:39 AM

#144 RE: Ike Latif #143

I like to write about what I do and why I do what I do on these threads?
On who are these people Ike?? why you Ike?

On this thread it is all about my markets, the way I see them, my family, the way we live, the way we have trained our children and the way we like them to behave, and what they are up to right now, on one hand is this transparent approach, on the other it is total opaqueness, I very much appreciate people who like to hide their identities for reasons best known to them, I would like to pose one small question, why do you interfere with people who are known members of the human community when you don't have the --lls to play on level playing fields even to disclose your identities. This is not about people when I talk of life or markets, we talk about our experiences that we share. These experiences across the globe make some smiles on some faces and some great friends, if that is what is needed to be destroyed than Mongol Chengiz Khan did that adequately on a greater scale..

I would rather put a bullet in my head than go and destroy someone’s hobby, this is my hobby, your hobby is to destroy,. Go kill birds in your backyard but not my home on which I have spent thousand of hours in time and effort, the place where I relax and indulge into all kind of intellectual masturbation. Calling Ike a liar who can be reached in Paris by just name of Ike 75008 Paris is one thing that he is known to be as man who will give his life on what he says..

I like to share what is good in life, it is all about openness and transparency and things I like, threads are extension of the host’s personality. Imagine forces that enter your home uninvited and end up believing that it is me who is in love with those evil forces, I don't know all of these guys, they have been following me for one reason 'that is why I did not listen to them?'

On my thread, I talk what is good for me and my friends, everyone is welcome to come and see this open house but if you want to destroy it and you disagree with me oyu can tell me and if i don't listen don't ridicule, move on to your own thread, they all tried due to their very inherent engrained way to be hidden and not to be able to open their homes and hearts they fail. Open your hearts and the world will come to you, open your mind and people will not take you as a liar but they will tell the person who call you a liar, a liar. It is all about hearts in life. We don't speak here from our minds, we speak our hearts, that is the reason you could not achive what I would. Minds are neurally schemetic and are harbinger of problematic relationships in life, speak from heart and life will fall in place.

That’s what they suffer, inability to destroy me, they get madder, more upset and they try harder. Why not for change they put their personalities on thread, their families on thread and then let me abuse them in front of their kids, ( I will not do it I know what a honor for a father is and why in front of sons, fathers should not be ridiculed- this time sanctioned honor amongst even thieves is forgotten by my tormentors, ) was it by any standard fair, they continue to abuse me, ridicule me for one reason that is why I am so much bubbly, why I take things so lightly in life?

Let the economy go to hell, but in my own house trying to take it over and leave it destructed, is it a manly conduct? If they were man enough they would have continued the markets on Ideas, they could not even do that, my old home has nothing but abuses to Ike by them and my friends appealing me to come back, come back to these wild ...... who have no class and no guts, they go running to administrators if I disclose one side of their personalities, they have the right to maintain their opaqueness but Ike who is known can be destroyed that is part of the nicety. Who come to who, no one seems to care about that, who was infatuated and is infatuated with who.

I am a constructive person I have 150 mails since than on my small little home, Idea on SI went dead once they I left, the purpose to blow me out was the object after that thread can go to hell,, so next will the WILL of 'Ike' can be conquered!! No he made another house and moved on, they were still stuck and posted a six /OT’s under a fake name on my new thread to destroy it once again.

Dead men from gravers are enacted AND SKELELTON ARE BROUGHT OUT WITH PRIDE THAT THEY HAVE DEALS WITH Ike not to talk, are they worthy of mention? This self-delusion surprises me, electronic particles going haywire in space asking for recognition? Wake up and leave this Ike- obsession, world is too beautiful a place to get involved with small speck call Ike, make a life beyond him, just obliterate him in your mind that is the first battle you are losing guys, get over him, and you will get a life.

People who are no one in my life come and try to destroy me that makes my day I live for a DAY WHEN THEY WOULD BE MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE THAT ABUSE AND RIDICULE IN FRONT OF THEIR WIFES AND CHILDREN. THE DIFFERENCE IS IDEA THREAD UNLIKE THEM IS MY INTELLEUCTAUL HAREM, MY MIND RESTS IN THIS HAREM, THESE GUYS HAVE FOCUSSED APPROACH AS MONGOLS TO DESTROY, ABSENCE OF APPRECAITAION OF BEAUTY AND LOVE LEADS TO THIS MEISERABLE LIFE. I talk about beauty, wine, love and blondes on a thread that my wife reads whereas they may have hard time even getting a minute off the schedule from their life that is hidden behind curtains. That is what it takes to make a successful individual in life, never have two lives, live one and live it to the fullest and be loyal to what you do and don’t ditch your near ones but care for them, a man who is considerate is one who is caring and loving, a mix of Casanova and Charlemagne. It takes to be one without that opacity and without that meanness or engrained hatred to destroy someone’s harem.

Democracy of state is meaningless if your individual set of values define democracy as entering someone house uninvited and making a mess of it in front of his whole family, it takes more of a importance when these values of secrecy are what your own life is defined by. You should be the biggest secret but others whose life are like open book should be trampled, that is meanness and that is what is called open vendetta of destruction, it is nice to see that people can se through it and crap is written as crap.

I have tried my best to argue with them and have tired my best to stop them, they can see the world from an angle of quasi-destruction, I see the world from a different prism, I don't want to make my beautiful ‘little life’ into a permanent set of 'self imposed gloom.' Zain and me are two different personalities, we both have our own definition and I am proud of him as a young man who is able to defend himself, but it is shame that he got badly caught up in this action, those responsible should feel sorry and get out of his life. The way he was trapped and the way he is fighting his case is exemplary, I am proud of him. He has proven that Ike and Zain are not one and everything he wrote he believes in.

Iqbal Latif