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Doc Holliday

11/06/19 12:03 PM

#59773 RE: buythebuy #59764

Selling into news? Funny. This company puts out more news than The New York Times. They have had hundreds of buyouts, mergers, LOIs, big deals in other countries, General Motors as a partner, cure for e bola virus, merger with Cuban airlines, China as a partner, building housing in the Bahamas, deal with the drug cartel leader in another country, new products that didn't exist, major supplier to the automotive industry but never sold anything, etc, etc, that were all lies. Put money laundering in there too. And a convicted felon was involved in the stock with them. Someone put up that data many times a while back. Even the analysts said this company never delivers on what they say. Check out the people that have been involved with the company over the years. Lawyer who was disbarred in Florida for a year for cheating his clients out of money. A board who had people on it which were CEOs of other companies which the SEC suspended and their company from trading stock. The only thing that stopped the SEC from going after these people is they are only small time crooks. But not small time to you if you lose money in this, which the analysts say you will lose everything. Your money, your decision. Free country. Do as you please. But don't complain afterwards. There is a reason they put in their filings that they don't know if they will be able to stay in business and if you buy the stock you may lose everything.