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10/30/19 10:47 AM

#22 RE: FUNMAN #21

Well I don't really know what a P&D is so.....

But I'd probably classify them (as well a whole ton of others) as what I would label "A Money-grab"......

I mean companies just FLOODED up onto the scene like.....left right and center, right ?

This co. provides security to growers - Its' CEO's been earning - I don't know how much

People nears everywhere, trying to "cash in" on it.......

Some stories have merit although all kinds of 'em don't....

Unless one's an accountant with lotsa time on their hands (or an excellent chartist or inside lawyer) or something, ETF's seem like the safest route - Diversification (in lieu of lower return) ?

Anyways - I dunno - I'm sure no expert !.....Which is why I appreciate the info you post !.....

Altho, I try not to get all caught up in the promo - "Global Leaders" claims, etc.