alline pretty post but let me ask you about waht you wrote
All of my research with regards to their ME activity ends in the Middle East so that tells me the road goes there
/// what was that research invloved are you telling me you verified emaars deal in germany, what about WESSAL buying 25percent of the company did that research lead you to that? are you for certain you know this for a fact>? In you sentense you allude to that indirectly withouht naming names you generalized it ill give you that.
here is the next sentense now lets studdy it;;
you said
. \\What is at the end of the road is the mistery right now.
you have mastered the unknown after you gave your blessing in the above sentense you distant yourself with the mistery at the end of the road. I can feel mystery every day dude, but I am a realist why should there be mysterious stuff going on , oh well you didnt convince me one bit I am sorry, you are guessing out of ur hat so far. Also I have not attacked the sulja family I am diplored with lack of communication and the dispicable pps the current shareholders are dealing with, that is real no mystery about that road at all Mr ALLINONE!