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Ferdenando the Bull

10/24/19 5:25 PM

#83432 RE: Devils lettuce #83430

The course was set and our CEO stated his intentions the rest of the blabber around town and local news is just that blabber!

Lagan said the next step for Rennova is to begin rehiring staff at Jamestown Regional and reopen the hospital to prepare for surveys, which will be conducted by a state survey team on CMS’s behalf to ensure compliance with the conditions of participation in a Medicare agreement.

Rennova says it is confident that CMS will agree to its participation in the Medicare program.

This is what is happening RIGHT NOW. Jamestown is preparing to re open. I wish they would announce this to the public but they probably don't have a definitive date yet.

While Jamestown Regional has been closed, Rennova-owned hospitals in Oneida and Jellico have continued to operate without interruption.