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10/24/19 2:40 PM

#86050 RE: JERSEYHAWG #86049

Thanks, jersey.

The CTs were ALWAYS covered by the 51% equity portion of the $55B NOL tax impound account no matter who was POTUS and what tax rate was to be applied.

And, they had the Corporate Guarantee to fall back on.



On this basis I invested.

Now, if the Estate, Debtors, Counsel & Courts are moving up the NOLs from $55B through remaining Claims Subject to Compromise, so be it.

That treatment offers more for the Equity claims to work with and the Debtors get 49%+/- in a new restructured Holding they've left for dead or would like to now bring into the fold.

They can only loot so much! Obviously, they thought they were entitled and jumped on as much as they could.

Some Senior Debtors have been paid 100% while others have received nothing.

Others have received distributions every 6 months while others have received nothing.

But, IMO, none of the Senior Debtors have guaranteed the financing necessary yet to fully restructure LBHI while we wait.

JPM could write a check for billions today out of their $200B cash reserve Dimon talked about last week in the conference call.

So, why should they participate any longer before CTs and Preferreds benefit from the NOLs?

It should have been done years ago.

GL, jersey.