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10/24/19 3:03 PM

#14354 RE: Darksidedel12 #14351

yeah .. with out a catalyst this is not going one wants to spend a nickel on this junk..i took a 700 dollar loss and crashed that nickel bid first day trading was a go from etrade .. rolled that 3 hundo into another play and almost tripled it im up ..lmao.wont be putting it back in this … im out GL to all

ps I did buy a few shares opening day at .20 to try to get the ball rolling...rolled the wrong


10/28/19 3:24 PM

#14355 RE: Darksidedel12 #14351

As soon as a penny stock starts borrowing heavily with floorless convertible debentures, the writing is already on the wall.

It's called a Death Spiral.

The stock plummeting to $0.0001 (or less), followed by a R/S, then the fall back to $0.0001. And then another R/S...

Several dubious penny stock companies actively help their lenders selling their newly minted dilutive shares by making great announcements that never pan out.

VTNL(D) 's record is terrible. Remember, they claimed to have $27 million dollars worth of "Orders" or "Supply Contracts".
In the same timeframe they claimed that they would proceed to a shares buy-back. (Which would have been illegal).

Last year, VTNL explained away the very poor Q2 results (the CEO had alluded to $1.5M of sales) by blaiming the California wildfires…

The mind boggles if they will attempt to re-use the very same excuse this time.