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10/23/19 1:08 PM

#53265 RE: Fivespeedchatter #53264

That was surely not my intention and thank u for the clarification


10/23/19 10:26 PM

#53269 RE: Fivespeedchatter #53264

It doesn't appear that the original poster directed the comment towards EVIO but it was just someone in the cannabis space... potentially an EVIO customer though as someone in CA that apparantly Glauser keeps tabs on.

I follow on linkedin not only business connections but also execs of companies I buy stock in. Some are active and some are not but I feel like it keeps me further apprised on business activity rather than marketing fluff like your instagrams on twitter birds

I'm also not defending the comment that was made but it was also ambiguous.

quite frankly if "she" was replaced with "he" and was referring to WW no one would have given a damn.

Treating everyone as equal is a double sided equation.

I believe today's political climate has people too far on edge myself and in today's world it's not even safe to be a comedian any more.