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10/22/19 7:21 PM

#38390 RE: zab #38385

Sounds like you have plenty
of displaced anger...

Believe me, you will not be "convincing"
anyone around here of anything, so please
just give it up and go away.

Go hang out with those at Occupy Dems or
Impeach Trump on Facebook, where you can
all whine about how horrendous it is.

I would take Trump everytime - over others.
I would rather have someone blunt and
straightforward, rather than lying and
I would take him over Hillary or Obama
everytime. I won't even get into the
constant contradictions both Hillary
and Obama demonstrated, and same scenerio
with many, many others on the left...

It is irrelevent. You are irrelevent.
You bore us with your complete focus on
"Dangerous Teflon Don" and how you ignore
the criminal actions of many on the left.

I believe the vast majority of Americans do
NOT trust or support the Dems, and no matter what
biased poll you want to cite, the best source to
look at is campaign contributions. The latest
stats show the Dems are in debt and raised under
7 million. The Repubs are swimming in cash and
raised over 26 million.

America already sees through the insanity of the left.
They are sick and disgusted by Sanctuary cities, vets
not getting health care, but promises that illegals will,
the years wasted by Russiagate and now the Ukraine feces...

and so much more. We still have a year to go and already
in fighting among the Dems...
and how you gonna get that psycho, narcissistic b!tch Hillary
to just shut up and go away.