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10/23/19 8:29 AM

#113958 RE: ChanceVision #113948

Quote: "This is what is happening in NC according to a recent press release on 10/17/19."

Yes, this is the same FLY release I was reading from when I posted reservations about what was actually going on at the NC facility. It is not that I am any less enthusiastic about Hemp, Inc.s prospects about the future than you may be. But, I felt I was seeing things that might not be meeting the goals we were first given about the NC facility.

I believe I was always assuming that the 50 acres of hemp that Hemp, Inc. was raising was all theirs. In other words: it was 50 acres in NC, 40 acres in Oregon on a 50-50 JV split, and now 1 acre in Arizona on a 60-40 Kins Village split. I may even be wrong on these numbers as it is hard to keep up with that much detail in one's head.

Then there was the news release of Sep 27 about the joint venture between Mullen View Family Farms and Hemp, Inc. So, is that the 50 acres or did we actually have an additional 50 acres of our own. It may be a moot point, in that reports are that much of NC's hemp was ruined by various molds, and insect infestations due to overly wet conditions from hurricane aftermath. This was one of my concerns I voiced in one of my messages when we learned that hurricane Dorian was approaching the NC coastline.

So, several of my questions have to do with this 50 acres of hemp we (HEMP, Inc. was raising this year. Did we have 50 of our own in addition with the Mullen Farm joint split, or was it just this joint 50-acre affiliate split all along. And, another question is "Why haven't heard more on this crop as of lately. I don't recall any recent progress updates. It has been only all about the Oregon hemp crop. Many of the fields not even ours. This is all fine; but, I would gladly trade one video about othes and their hemp crops for just one good update on our hemp crop(s) in NC.

Another question I have is why we were even raising hemp in NC if we weren't going to be able to process it this year. Or, are we going to be ready soon to do that crop if it survived at all. It is fine (or at least OK) to be still in the process of doing the expansion upgrades to the NC facility, but why raise a crop if you are dependent on European export to run the facility. What happened to all the millions of pounds ot materials we had stored in wait for the previous two product lines. This is assuming we needed a certain material from Europe to do the bio-plastics.

I think Bruce realizes that questions are being asked about the NC plant, but he seems to be posting old materials from previous press releases in hopes of calming rising doubts. It was sad to see someone yesterday post that s(he) had finally cashed in her/his chip at a loss due to the uncertainty about this NC facility. This was supposedly a long(ish)-term investor of Hemp, Inc.

And, I fear the bleeding may continue until we start getting some good news for a change. If everything is actually on the up and up at the NC facility, then Bruce needs to give a new updated accounting -- hopfully including videos like in Oregon. When the investors and traders of Hemp, Inc. have lingering questions about roughly 1/2 of Hemp, Inc.s total operation, they may eventually start questioning the Oregon part that Bruce is supposdely being transparent about with his daily videos.

I am still enthusiastic about Hemp, Inc.'s future, with or without our CEO; but, I think he could help himself greatly by being more balanced in his reporting of both facilities. We need to have the assurrance that he appreciates the benefit of the doubt he has been granted in spite of all the naysayers out there. So, Bruce, show us that we picked a winner.