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10/21/19 10:22 PM

#9849 RE: Ronin_Trader #9848

Wrong! The numbers have never changed since late Sept. when the CLSI filings hit. We had to wait about 10 days for the OTC site to get updated on the OS reduction but many of us posted it daily before OTC began updating it! The other numbers given out are 15 years old, 8 years old 10 years old all from old links. Unfortunately many have sold on old data and not on the new filings and new updated info from Liz on the sale of the Wolfson's company to a new merger company and Tony had already g finalized his end at least a week back! All of this updated DD has and still is posted daily from real CLSI investors for anyone who reads every post here daily!

Cj the numbers have been changing at different intervals making things unclear and the Qs can be questionable.


10/22/19 12:27 AM

#9859 RE: Ronin_Trader #9848

I find it pretty tough to believe the o/s number shown on the OTC site now as well as in AUGUST is the EXACT same number of shares that show up on that sale of the shell. the EXACT AMOUNT.

And all this chatter about what LIZ said is evidence she spoke with a number of share holders and told them insider information that they traded on. I find that wrong on so many levels. None of that info should have been discussed with a shareholder as it was not public info. Also There are always discrepancies between the float and the DTC numbers. So calling the DTC number the float is inaccurate.

Please review the numbers again I posted.

both the August 8 number and the October 17 number are identical. Identical to what showed up on the sale of the shell for the FLOAT. 213,330,332

The outstanding in the filings by Tony match the outstanding numbers on the sale of the shell - 343,368,111.