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TO Double D

10/21/19 9:29 AM

#54070 RE: HkWagner #54068

You should make friends with an inland taipan.


10/21/19 10:11 AM

#54077 RE: HkWagner #54068

You feel bad, really?
And for those “suckered in” by the private placements. This might be hard for you to grasp but the type of investors that get involved in PPs have considerably more money and brains than you. They have this money because of their brains and the type of investments they make. They no not invest in low risk, low rate of return items. They do invest in high risk ventures that they believe have VERY high potential for BIG returns. These investors do not get “suckered.” Niocorp is a junior miner. It is risky. If you have just figured that out, you have really not been paying attention. Don’t know about you, but I understood it was risky when I invested. If you actually did invest (as opposed to simply trolling) and did not understand that, you were quite naive. I have stayed invested because I continue to believe their is a high potential for BIG rewards. The fact that intelligent wealthy investors continue to jump on PPs reinforces my belief. If I ever concluded the company was run by idiots who lied to me, I would be out in a heartbeat. Continuing to hold would be stupid. You should think about that.

Something else to think about: The company that Niocorp hired to assist with financing probably has some insight as to the probability of the financing. They accepted shares in lieu of payment. Why do you suppose they did that? Were they ‘suckered” too?

Mark is an idiot and lies repeatedly. But, he is still able to “sucker in” wealthy intelligent investors. You are the expert. Explain to my why they still fall for this and have not figured it out by now. They have access to all the same public info that you have access to. But, you have it all figured out and they still don’t get it? Really?