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10/20/19 12:05 PM

#2964 RE: Fallingknife75 #2963

This is amazing thanks!
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10/21/19 12:22 AM

#2971 RE: Fallingknife75 #2963

Thanks Knife for all your hard work!!!
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10/21/19 9:59 PM

#2980 RE: Fallingknife75 #2963

Total price of all acquisitions announced = $245,787,759

Projected annual revenues from acquisitions = $215,626,136

Market Cap = $ 123,160,000

Whomever is comfortable with the risk of this strategy not playing out is getting an incredible deal. YoY revenue growth 2020-2021 should be significant - I'd be very surprised if further expansion did not happen over the next year... I expect Green Equity to fullfill the needs of that expansion, management likely is formulating this strategy right now and planning to be ready to handle the levels of production/distribution/retail that will be possible 2021. Many cannabis companies are going to be expanding tremendously in the upcoming years... MDCL is (by far) my number one holding because I foresee management profitably executing such expansion - while others flounder and create opportunities for MDCL to acquire those assets at a discount... this thesis will take 3-5 years to "fully" play out, and will become more clear farther into the sector turnaround: those who get left behind are going to be great buyout targets... plenty of poorly managed operations that have lots of potential (Dye knows this very well!).

" I will provide a short summary though."
Thank you! I've poured over every release but have not compiled all of the data as you have. I'm satisfied with the general sense of value to be created - though communicating is ambiguous without those hard numbers.
Quite excited to see things play out... still planning that bit of cannabis tourism after $10! For that matter, I like Boulder (on paper) for my next move... need to visit and get a sense of the city!
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12/13/19 12:28 AM

#3331 RE: Fallingknife75 #2963

re" and increases the chance of a large run when the "Herd" figures out that MDCL is the best in the industry."

Like when those 10Q's hit and revenues compared qtr to qtr and yr to yr are exponential in increases!