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10/19/19 3:10 PM

#175411 RE: bananarama #175397

Yes in 2017 it was resolved.....

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories - Q4 2017

New transgenic plasmid designs have been created by our in-house staff and those designs are in process now. The Company hopes to begin microinjections of these new designs in the first quarter of 2018.

By insourcing our research operations, the Company has greater control over the development of our recombinant spider silk materials, better administration of our core competency, and closer oversight of intellectual property development. One key example of this increased oversight and control is the recently implemented materials performance testing procedures. While previously impractical, the new facility and expanded staffing now allows us to conduct 100% screening on all silkworms for breeding and strain propagation. We anticipate this will provide a significant boost to our quality control system, drastically reducing the possibility of material performance drift in the future.

Beginning in January of 2018 all breeding is now guided by the results of fiber performance test data. The Company has developed a system to collect and conduct destructive fiber sample testing without harm to silk moth pupa. This system was established as a result of an intensive series of fiber performance tests. That testing found an unacceptable level of variance from our performance targets. Variation is inherent within all processes and products, the key is to minimize that variance, tightening the distribution curve, creating a more uniform product. Reducing variance within the silk fiber properties, while ensuring proper genetic diversity, is the focus of this new testing and breeding process. We expect that this increased scrutiny of our silkworm breeding stock will increase the overall strength of our fibers, by selecting for only the best performing silkworms, and also increase the uniformity of performance by eliminating the lowest performers.