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11/30/06 1:00 PM

#227643 RE: SoxFan #227630

As an American (which I assume you are, correct?), your argument baffles me. With all that we know that is going on in the world today, why you would choose to make an argument that is indirectly pro Iranian is beyond me. You don’t think twice about bashing America but apparently you lack the gumption to say anything against Iran (which I determine by the fact that you have yet to say anything negative against Iran and take great offense when I do, care to prove me wrong?). I half expect Rod Serling to make an appearance and tell me I’ve entered the Twilight Zone. I guess you and I don’t live in the same world. Here’s the world that I live in:

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of international terrorism. They fund Hezbollah, Hamas, Shi’ite insurgent groups in Iraq and Islamic Jihad. Former Iranian president Mohammed Khatam oversaw the creation of Hezbollah in the 1980’s (while serving as minister of culture and Islamic guidance). Prior to 9/11, Hezbollah killed more Americans than any other terrorist group including the Beirut bombing that killed 241 Americans in 1983 and the Al-Khobar bombing in Saudi Arabia in ’96 that killed 19 US servicemen. They actively recruit their own youth and seek students in the Middle East for suicide operations against “Western” interests. When opposition arose against the government in 1998, then president Khatami brutally murdered the Darioush and Parvaneh Forouhar, the opposing voices whom were dubbed as too liberal. In ’99 they attacked dissidents at Tehran University killing several students and arresting and torturing hundreds more. Earlier this month, an Argentine judge ordered arrest warrants for former president Akbar hashemi Rafsanjani and 8 others for the July ’94 bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish community center. 85 people were killed and more than 200 wounded. Today, they have government councils to plan terrorist operations. They are called the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security. These groups fund, sponsor and supply weapons and fellow jihadists to the Shi’ite insurgent in Iraq that kill the Sunni’s without regard and create the havoc that goes on in that country. The recent war in Lebanon highlights the atrocities that Hezbollah is capable of as the majority of people blame them for the civilian casualities. Iran praised their actions as “a shining sun that illuminates and warms the hearts of all Muslims.” These are just a few instances that I highlight. Quantifying the total death count of those that Iran is responsible for is impossible.

Still want to compare America to Iran? Still think Iran is a “better” country? You know we live in a free country where one can leave anytime to go anywhere they want. Even to Iran.