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10/17/19 12:06 AM

#16583 RE: Gungadin1 #16577

I’m not sure how much of that conspiracy theory you’re serious with, Gungadin, and how much is in fun, but you might be more right than you know.

I have no idea if anybody is in cahoots with anyone, but I do have reason to believe the powers that be are just fine with the price of PRED stock sinking into oblivion before things take off. (And yes, I still believe PRED’s day will come.) Keeping the price low allows big time players to scoop up shares at bargain basement prices, while shaking out the weak hands, and creating a solid shareholder base for the way back up.

I’m keeping why I think that to myself for a number of reasons, but let’s just say I didn’t conjure that thought up on my own, and I certainly didn’t pull it off a message board. Presumably, so long as us little guys don’t sell, we’ll be just fine in the long run.

In a prior post of mine I stated I thought powerful investors were buying up cheap shares all day long, and this is exactly what I was alluding to in that post.

It is this very idea that had me so bothered earlier today, when I posted a very rare, and uncharacteristically emotional post. I was not doubting PRED, or even considering selling one share.

Rather, I firmly believe the mental suffering we’re experiencing right now simply does not need to be the case. Even if I’m right, there’s not a single thing I can do about it. I just have to sit here, like so many of you, and take it….and continue waiting. Meanwhile, some of the small-time investors are folding their hands in PRED, and the little guy gets steamrolled yet again. And yeah, that angers me.

And, when the day comes when those in control choose to truly unleash PRED, and I have enough to retire, I’ll probably forgive the wait, sail off quietly into the sunset, and never visit a message board again.

But right now, saying I’m irritated is a gross understatement.


10/17/19 10:20 AM

#16644 RE: Gungadin1 #16577

 I like your theory now here’s mine.  NASDAQ has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar on all of the recent IPO’s that have then tanked.  The insiders of those companies have been dumping at these ridiculously overvalued offerings.  Nazzi gets a nice piece of the pie with these companies.  They don’t get shit with us and our uplist.  That puts us as low priority.  Also, all of the public’s bitching about these tanking IPO’s has Nazzi under the microscope and guess what?  We’re forced into a new auditor so Nazzi doesn’t have to answer any of the questions about a pink sheet and their mid-tier auditor.  Nazzi even drags it out to make it look like they are really investigating us and doing their DD.  This is all well and good but at some point the company has to say enough.  We’ve jumped through the hoops now let’s do this.  The thing about the previous chairman is that he had the balls to call nasdaq out and tell them to go f themselves.  The new guys are too nice and by the book.  So here we sit and bleed.  Does your conspiracy contain a big fat reverse split?