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Big bucks

10/15/19 10:28 AM

#110986 RE: Elcappy1 #110984

Lol there's been a morning dump daily for past six

No one is buying....this will be tripples very soon. ..they will be diluting another 56 million...

Prudent Capitalist

10/16/19 4:18 PM

#110993 RE: Elcappy1 #110984

No one is buying CGRA shares either. The bigger concern for longs here, aside from all of the bogus PR's that Wright and the company have put out over the past 6 years, is that the high Bid has been hovering down just barely above the multi-year low of .0031, and save for that ridiculous $46 paint of the Ask for 10K shares at .0046 late in the day, these shares have been essentially trading just above that multi-year low with no sign of anything that could come along and move these shares higher. In short, this turd appears to be circling the drain for perhaps the last time right now.


CGRA = Capital Gone Reverse Appreciation