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10/13/19 12:27 PM

#402802 RE: clutnam #402800

My response:

Let’s cut to the chase here and point out that we’re not battling just “the swamp,” but organized crime which has been committed by and through Washington, DC for many decades. Joe Biden’s boastful comments (including “call him …”) were simply considered uninteresting and normal. But the actual litany of international crimes would come straight from The Godfather:

• Extortion
* Racketeering
• Money Laundering
• Influence Peddling
• Embezzlement
• (and the list of Felonies goes on and on and on)

Every one of the major players who are leading the present impeachment drive are criminals, themselves. They are playing to protect “the Family.”


Thanks for reading. Welcome to the board clutnam. Join in whenever you want.
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10/14/19 2:35 PM

#402930 RE: clutnam #402800

Welcome To Our Board! From what I have read it is still valid. The problem is that WE are living in a nightmarish world were facts and truth carry little weight. WE (We The People/US) are battling a corrupted system, a corrupted system with more than one entity, We are battling a hard left ideology in our government at the same time WE are battling a criminal corruption throughout the system and on most all levels by money, big and small.

Big Money and Criminal Money have a strong stranglehold on our government, and it is hard for truth to come forward and into the light when it is blocked, hidden and lied upon by a Main Stream Media so involved in this leftist ideology and corrupted monies. Daily We are assaulted by lies and see common sense pushed aside, people acting like children, pure insanity so common that many have just given up. Our government has become an enemy.

Congress is acting like a spoiled child in need of a spanking as they are not doing their for the most part, and when they do their duty it is self indulgent and sponsored by monies with no regard for the people they are supposed to serve. WE have almost three years of a coup thrust upon the US by lies and little more. I can only hope that I wake up to world were this was all a bad dream and that truth and common sense rule.