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10/13/19 12:42 PM

#58631 RE: Themistocles_I #58627

We’ll see how irrelevant it is when the time comes. I’m guessing a couple more sellers will exit their positions by then... most likely at new 52wk lows.
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Dragon Lady

10/13/19 2:23 PM

#58636 RE: Themistocles_I #58627

The irrelevance of the "September 26, 2019 - SEC Proposes Amendments to Enhance Retail Investor Protections" action

Here are the reasons why this amendment DOES NOT apply to GIFX

1. GIFX has a valid SEC filed 15-12g in place relieving them of any current reporting requirements.
2. All of the GIFX shares are registered.
3. GIFX has a valid 211 market maker sponsorship.
4. GIFX is active under the transfer agent Pacific Stock Transfer.
5. GIFX is not a dead shell.

GIFX actively falls under the SEC reporting standards because IT IS NOT a dead shell.

Total truth versus stockbullshit misinformation and false narratives.

NOTHING in any existing supposed "SEC proposal" has a damn thing to do with GIFX, aka GIFA Inc, this stock. Not a thing.

I challenge anyone to produce a shred of evidence to the contrary citing all codified sections of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 or any other "SEC LAW" they care to cite- and I, or any qualified SEC attorney will show how it's total BS.

One additional item to the 5 factual bullet points above, is the fact that GIFA Inc, falls under what is known as the SEC "small company reporting standard" another item that exempts them per any supposed "SEC proposal" that has to do with shells, crowd funded private financed companies selling unregistered shares, etc. Apples to kumquats, neither has a thing to do with the other.

Nothing "magic" per the SEC is going to happen on September 26th, 2019 regarding GIFX stock despite a false narrative claiming that to be the case, especially as related to some "Proposed" amendments that the SEC could have already applied to GIFX stock at any time if they wanted, but of course have not as no laws cited in said "proposal" have anything to do with Gifa Inc, aka GIFX.

(the so called "proposal" is just that, "proposed light weight changes to existing laws on the books" and such a "proposal" is not, and will not even be law in 2019, let alone applicable to Gifa Inc as stated clearly in five factual bullet points above).

Anything stating the contrary is BS w/o a shred of fact, SEC law or anything else to support it or back it up. It does not apply here, it's a false narrative to quash, suppress, misconstrue, confuse, lessen, minify, reduce or subtract from the truth about GIFX, aka GIFA Inc.

GIFX is a stock and company (GIFA Inc) in good standing with the SEC and have a valid 15-12g on file and a SEC attorney representing them and all valid and current contact information available (including U.S. offices and phone numbers), a Transfer Agent, a MM sponsor, etc