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10/12/19 9:32 AM

#332501 RE: Krombacher #332496

If anyone actually believed in all those alternative facts you just listed, there would be a lot more buying of erhe while it remains priced near zero. Instead, investors everywhere are understanding why erhc carries a skull and crossbones rating and not touching the stock (except for whoever is loading up every day $50 at a time lol or maybe secret offshore shorts are covering lollol).

Informed investors, armed with real facts instead of the alternative ones of the new-erhe-paradigm, understand a gag order about a particular lawsuit wouldn't keep a company from filing required SEC reports, realize a $100 million cash plus carry deal in erhc's current condition is unheard of, and recognize the folly of a made up rumor about a 1 cent dividend and $8 stock price for a company like this. They also understand that if a company had an asset worth $500 million, its market cap wouldn't be sitting at 1/10 of 1% of that amount.

So revealing how the "most informed buyers of erhc" aren't buying, even for a couple hundredths of a penny. They, like everyone else, can easily connect the dots between fake claims of a half billion dollar asset and a market cap of less than $1 million. To confirm any suspicions, look to the even more outrageous predictions of the market cap going to $24 billion. Case closed.

Facts matter; made up new-erhe-paradigm alternative; not so much - about 1/10 of 1% maybe.