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10/11/19 6:51 PM

#27295 RE: VERAX #27294

I think the worst of the vaping crisis is now priced into the sector

CBD stocks weren’t going to go down forever, even without regs coming this month

I don’t see much out there in the way of media attention on regs, so I’m not sure today’s action represents anticipation of them next week

I think we will see some really good media coverage after the USDA Regs are published

And I’m really curious to see how the sector, and our stocks, respond to a change in the media narrative from doom & gloom to hopeful optimism

I’m assuming the media will celebrate the federal legalization and regulation of commercial hemp cultivation

It’s going to be pretty difficult to rain on the parade that is the USDA Regs, but I suppose you never know with this media

They could wind up not even covering it and continuing to harp on the false narratives of FDA crackdown and 3-5 years before anything material happens in the national CBD economy

The real story is that Mitch has the FDA completely boxed in here

And the other really great thing nobody talks about with respect to the CBD Sector is that the acting FDA Commissioner, Dr. Sharpless, is on his way out in October, and the new Commissioner, Dr. Hahn is coming in

Dr. Hahn is a true outsider with no strong ties to the FDA or the pharmaceutical industry

So he will be very moldable, which means a lot more pro-CBD than Dr. Sharpless

I just wish the media would cover these angles

But then what would I really have to write about...
