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Foxwoods Man

10/11/19 4:23 PM

#33722 RE: sir90 #33721 can be unsuccessful and still make enemies..


10/11/19 9:41 PM

#33724 RE: sir90 #33721

Well, heck darn, Sir90.

The choices are not good, to say the least.

Who wants to be poor and have loads of friends...unless you can leech off them, live in their garage, eat their food, and mooch the big screen remote control. Actually, that sounds pretty good.

The alternative is to be rich and not have anyone around to brag and gloat to about your loot. That's not fair.

My father gave me sage advice when I was thinking about what I wanted to do in life. He said, "Son it is better to be rich and healthy than to be poor and sick."

Words tried and true and to live by.
