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10/11/19 10:24 AM

#20680 RE: jaybe420 #20678

Their entire customer base is used to taking Full Spectrum CBD products

That’s going to be a big recipe change (Full Spectrum to Isolate) that will leave many of their existing customers unhappy

Those companies are in a very bad position here

Their entire branding is about CBD + THC + CBG/CBN/CBC aka “The Full Spectrum”

Some have even disparaged CBD Isolate in their marketing

Many of these Full Spectrum CBD companies may not even switch to Isolate out of fear of losing their customer base — instead, they may decide to wait things out hoping Congress can pass legislation protecting Full Spectrum — that’s assuming the FDA will only prohibit interstate sales of Full Spectrum and allow intrastate commerce to proceed

So not only is switching recipes something that will take a great amount of money and time, it will also require completely different branding and marketing and leave their existing customer base unhappy and at great risk of customer flight

Definitely not a good place to be in for Full Spectrum CBD companies right now

Companies like Medterra and Canbiola, who figured out the correct formulation years ago, are much better investments right now

CBD Isolate is the only investable formulation — everything else is high risk
