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10/10/19 2:53 PM

#2390 RE: Viewmont #2387

yep. aside from likely being fake news and the repetitive dilutive nature of always paying all insiders with price adjustable shares, they are massively deficient in regards to listing and cannot make that right anytime soon. Which, of course, means the comedic "spin off" of shares can't happen, but they sure can promote that it might while printing shares. 10Q due next week, should confirm everything I've said. Curious to see the new OS as well, see what they've printed aside from what they've shared...but, this has always been only a Scamtilli self enrichment scam, roughly $20,000,000 in their pockets since inception...unfortuntely, Scrot is just their puppet, always has been...


10/10/19 6:13 PM

#2391 RE: Viewmont #2387

What's not to get? Institutional ownership is

like 8% and 6% of that is Short ownership. You think retail is buying enough of this to keep the those recently granted shares which is similar to dilution imo from tanking the pps?
