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10/10/19 10:00 AM

#28881 RE: JFBroderick #28879

People have been hoping and praying for a long, long time, you better get ready for more disappointment. Geordan has run this into the ground, used us as an ATM, done absolutely nothing to address the toxic debt spiral, has not secured any non-toxic funding, and can't even fund the acq he has made (see the clause on PathUX deal for more info, millions owed).

But at least he posted a tweet from NYC and never explained it, right? What a gamechanger that was! For someone who won't put out fluff PRs, they seem to have no problem pushing false optimism via twitter. The bottom line is Geordan has delivered nothing of value and has destroyed every shareholder in the process.


10/10/19 10:23 AM

#28882 RE: JFBroderick #28879

Real business takes time, no sense it worrying about the day to day. The common otc mentality of "I want it now" doesn't apply to BYOC.
I've seen nothing but positive progress and updates, and any negatives makes sense for the state of the business; and more importantly, gearing up for the future plans and growth.

If you can't wait for progress to be made, then this is not the stock for you. They have come a long way considering where BYOC came from and from past shady management and having little money outside of their own pockets. This was a shell nonetheless.
PPS is cheap considering what BYOCs plan is.